Here’s the Dirty Secret of the Profession:

The training is terrible.

If you've been struggling to make your mark as a stage hypnotist, why is that? Many aspiring hypnotists face challenges, not because of their lack of effort, but due to subpar training.

However, if you've invested your time and resources into training and still find yourself unprepared for the stage, it's crucial to recognize that not all training programs are created equal. Regrettably, the hypnosis profession is rife with trainers who excel at marketing but fall short in the teaching department.

Don't be swayed by recognizable names or social media followers. Some of these individuals regularly perform shows and have large followings, but their teaching skills leave much to be desired. They'll gladly accept your hard-earned money without delivering the knowledge and guidance you truly need to succeed.

Mentorship is Even More Important Than Training

Of course training matters. It's the foundation of getting you started as a performing hypnotist. But even more important than your initial training is whether or not you are receiving mentorship.

Most trainers have what's known as a "value ladder." You pay for the value you receive in steps, with each step being more expensive than the one before. It's a way to extract "maximum value" from the customer. That's a polite way of saying "get as much money from them as you can."

So you pay $2,500 for your initial training. Then, $5,000 for their mentorship program. Then $10,000 for their Inner Circle program.  It's a business model, not an educational model, and the results reflect that. There are way too many people out there who went through these programs who still aren't making a living as performing hypnotists.

I want to do something to change that.


years of experience


people hypnotized.


revenue generated.

Paul Ramsay

Paul Ramsay

Board Certified Hypnotist, Master’s Degree in Secondary Education

Before I became a hypnotist, I was a high school teacher. I have a Bachelor‘s degree in Teaching and a Master’s degree in Secondary Education.

I know how to take a skill and break it down. I know how to communicate a concept so that it really settles into your understanding.

The Key Differences

  • Understanding of clinical hypnotism.

    How many times did you ask the trainer a question about hypnosis that they couldn't actually answer? Instead you got some version of, "That's just the way it's done."

    Knowing how hypnotism itself works is vital to doing your job well on stage. I'll help you fill in the gaps that your trainer missed so that you feel more confident as a hypnotist.

  • Two decades of experience performing.

    There's WAY too much mimicking and repetition of content in the profession. That's because trainers aren't teaching their students how to think like entertainers, how to craft a show.

    You have to develop your craft as an entertainer! I've been doing that for two decades.

    I'll help you develop a show concept that is truly your own, and that will make it easier for you to get bookings and make money.

  • An actual teacher.

    It's time to break away from "just do it the way I do it" and fake-it-til-you-make it performances. Learn from someone who actually knows how to teach and will put you in a position to be truly successful.

    I spend a lot of time with my people, way more than other trainers. We'll do Zoom calls, emails, phone calls, and put in the time to get you where you need to be. If you're willing to put in the work, I'll support you in kind and you'll see a huge difference in your results.

Program Details:

  • Starts 6/15/24
  • Eight bi-weekly group calls on Zoom.
  • Weekly individual call, Zoom or phone, through 8/7/24.
  • Open access calls through the end of 2024.

What You'll Receive:

  • A customized Individual Education Plan based on the goals and challenges you identify as needing attention.
  • Lifetime access to my stage hypnotist online program is included. Use it to fill the gaps your previous trainer missed.
  • Assessment of your existing stage show.
  • Strategy for how to strengthen it, or to create a brand new concept.
  • Lifetime access to my "Bright Idea Business Mentorship" online program. It has 30 modules of business building content.
  • Brand building coaching
  • Content marketing coaching

Cost: $1,995

The mentorship program is limited to five participants per rotation.

It's not a marketing gimmick. I put a lot of time into my people, and so I can't do big groups in this program. I keep the group small, and give you a lot of access and support so that you get results.

For both our benefits, an initial consult is required before you join, so that we make sure working together is the right fit.

You’ll Learn:

  • How to Get the Depth You’re Looking For

    (It's not the induction you use.)

  • The Optimal Method for Deciding Who to Keep and Who to Send Back

    (This one will blow you away.)

  • How to Build a Show That’s Truly Yours

    (Once I did this, I doubled my bookings in the first year.)

  • How to Appeal to Different Demographics and Generational Audiences

    This really helps your re-book rate!

  • How to Land an Agent

    (and how to deal with them)

  • How to Get Media Appearances Without Paying for a Publicist

    I learned this one the hard way. Let me save you some money.

Only You Can Guarantee Your Success, but Here’s The Guarantee I Will Make

If this isn't the best entertainment hypnosis learning experience you've ever had, I want you to tell me, and I'll offer your money back.