Consulting Hypnotist Online Course Syllabus
Consulting Hypnotist Online Training Program
Course Description
"Consulting Hypnotism Methods" is designed to teach people how to hypnotize other human beings and use hypnotic suggestion for a variety of health, wellness, and personal development outcomes. Students will learn a body of core content about hypnotism, and will also be taught the skills of hypnotism itself.
The course is taught entirely online.
Recommended Pre-Course Reading:
We do not require it as part of the course, but we highly recommend that you read Hypnotherapy by Dave Elman.
Overview with Learning Objectives
Module One
What is Hypnosis?
- learn working definition of hypnosis
- understand hypnotizability vs. suggestibility
- understand common misconceptions about hypnosis
Favorable and Unfavorable Influences
- create a proper physical environment for client work
- identify unfavorable signs in clients
- cultivate confidence as a hypnotist
Cautions of Hypnosis
- learn how to avoid possible physical injuries to subjects
- identify and deal with hypnotic hysteria
- understand age regression techniques
History of Hypnosis
- develop a timeline of hypnotism’s professional development
- identify significant contributors to hypnotism theory
Module Two
Preliminary Suggestibility Tests
- understand purposes of testing suggestibility
- know authoritative vs. permissive operating style
- learn six suggestibility tests
How to Hypnotize
- explore an overview of the hypnotic process
- develop a working knowledge of induction, deepening, utilization, and emergence
- learn four possible components of Inductions
Trance Depth
- learn the Arons Depth Scale for judging trance depth
- identify the difference between mnesic and amnesic stages
- learn four criteria for judging trance depth
Deepening Techniques
- learn deepening through realization
- understand the concept of pyramiding
- understanding fractionation
Module Three
Suggestion Management
- learn how reinforcement and encouragement affect outcomes
- learn positive suggestion management
- learn how to create posthypnotic suggestion
The Conscious and Unconscious
- learn the difference between conscious mind and unconscious mind
Mechanical Aids
- learn a variety of mechanical aids that can assist hypnotists
Additional Inductions
- learn instantaneous induction methods
- learn progressive relaxation induction
- learn non-verbal inductions
Bonus Lesson: Simple Video Production
- learn to produce short, simple video to promote your practice
- learn the various distribution methods for video
Module Four
Anesthesia Management
- learn common uses of hypnotic anesthesia
- learn how to produce hypnotic anesthesia
- discover ways to maintain hypnotic anesthesia
Smoking Cessation
- learn four-session approach to smoking cessation
Age Regression (Uncovering Techniques)
- learn three popular age regression techniques
- identify the difference between true regression and pseudoregression
- identify areas of caution in performing age regression
Module Five
- learn three-session approach to weight management
- learn how to help clients identify their stress indicators
- learn stress management techniques
- develop a stress reduction action plan
Module Six
- become familiar with the NGH Code of Ethics
- develop a Client Bill of Rights
- identify language to be avoided vs. to be practiced
Session Structure
- create a strong client intake sheet
- learn to assess client behaviors and how they contribute to the presenting problem
- learn how to help client articulate goals for working with you
- give a pretalk to set client up for success
- be able to develop a session strategy that meets the client’s needs
Image Psychology and Hypnosis
- learn four major categories of imagery techniques
Module 7
Additional Scripts and Techniques
- explore the concept of hyperemperia
- discuss John Hartland’s ego strengthening method
- learn the G.I.F.T. technique
Do You Want to Be Certified as a Consulting Hypnotist?
In an effort to keep costs down for our students, we have separated the pure learning of hypnotism from the certification process. If you're interested in a career in hypnotism, and wish to be certified, we do offer certification as well.