Are You a New Stage Hypnotist? Here’s Advice Worth 10K
If you're a new stage hypnotist, there's still a lot to learn if you're going to make it in the profession. I often tell my students, "Hypnotizing people is easy. It's all the other stuff that's challenging." It took me years to learn what I'm going to share with you in this article, and if you embrace this advice and take action on it sooner rather than later, I truly believe it will be worth at least ten thousand in revenue. Over the course of a long career, it could be worth much, much more.
You want to get gigs, right? The more gigs you get, the more money you make. That's pretty simple. But how do you get the gigs?
Here's the big mistake that many stage hypnotists make: they use the same selling approach for all of their potential buyers. They over-focus on what they are selling, and don't think enough about who they are selling to.
This is an especially easy mistake to make if you're a new stage hypnotist. You've done your training, you're excited to get out there and do your show, and you've been working on your show a lot, practicing the bits, re-organizing the order of them from time to time. It's easy to get overly focused on the product, but in order to successfully sell that product you have to think about your buyer and really get to know them.
A high school prom committee, the entertainment buyer for a cruise ship company, the organizers of a county fair, and a college student activities board are all possible buyers for a stage hypnosis show. If you think each of those buyers thinks about their potential purchase the same way, you're making a big mistake. Even though they are all buying the same thing--a stage hypnosis show--they each have different factors connected to the purchase that really matter to them, but may not matter to the other buyers.
It's your job, new stage hypnotist, to know what your buyer really needs and be able to communicate to them that you can get them what they need. That may mean working within a certain budget, customizing your show to a particular audience, working more than one show in a given amount of time, or increasing or decreasing production value to fit what can or can't be done at the performance venue. These are just a few examples.
The buyers are buying for a particular audience market. Take some time to think about the markets you might be working in if you get into stage hypnotism. Some will fit your lifestyle better than others. Some are more lucrative than others. Making sure that you're a good fit for the market and the audience is so important. It can't just be about the money. You have to go out there, night after night, and bring the right energy in your show. If you hate working with a certain type of audience, your energy will be off and they will feel it.
When you're working an audience that you can create a positive connection with, the vibe of the show is better. They enjoy it more, and so will you. Be honest with yourself about any factors related to certain markets that would make you not enjoy the work. Cruise ships are an easy example. To work cruise ships, the standard commitment is three months at a time. If you don't like the idea of being on a cruise ship that runs its route over and over again for three months before you get to take a break and come home to friends and family, then cruise ships are not for you. It's okay to admit that. There are plenty of work opportunities in other markets.
As a new stage hypnotist, maybe you won't know which markets you like to work in until you've worked in them and gotten some first-hand experience. That may be the way you need to figure it out. But for most of these markets, there are some constant factors or qualities that can be pointed to that will give you clues before you ever get your first gig in that market. This is where having a mentor can be really helpful. Talk with your instructor about their experience working different types of venues and markets, and take advantage of their perspective and knowledge.
When you know the market, understand what the buyer needs, and can communicate to the buyer that you can meet their needs, your conversions will go up. That's part of how you go from being a new stage hypnotist to a veteran stage hypnotist.