hypnosis profession

Hypnotism is a profession that has existed for over a century, though it has never achieved significant size or mainstream status. The hypnosis profession has grown over time, and today there are many professionals worldwide who offer services to people who need them. The majority of hypnotists offer consulting services for issues of personal development, wellness, and health, but there are also hypnotists who entertain with hypnosis. There is a disturbing trend happening within the industry, and it's something that concerns me greatly. Hypnotism is cannibalizing itself, and it's time to talk about it.

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stage hypnotists

Stage hypnotists make up a pretty small community.  While there are thousands of people who have received training in stage hypnotism, there are only a few hundred that are actively performing as stage hypnotists worldwide.  Those numbers could decrease significantly in the next five to ten years if stage hypnotists fail to address a critical issue within the profession:  the declining availability of liability insurance.
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stage hypnotists

The pandemic drove some stage hypnotists out of the industry.  After two years of disruption to the live entertainment industry, experts are beginning to discuss the possible end of the pandemic, but that won't necessarily mean a return to normal for entertainers.  Instead, it may signal an evolutionary leaping point in how entertainment is distributed, consumed, and experienced.  Are stage hypnotists ready?

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how to become a certified hypnotist

If you're wondering how to become a certified hypnotist, this article might save you a lot of time and money.  There are some common misconceptions about becoming a professional hypnotist that cause people to jump through hoops they don't need to worry about, or that stop them from training in hypnotism at all.

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Is Clubhouse for hypnotists?

Clubhouse is the newest social media platform to grab the attention of small business owners, marketers, influencers, and thought leaders.  But should hypnotists be including Clubhouse as part of their branding and marketing strategy?  I'll give you three reasons why the answer is "No."
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get corporate hypnosis gigs

Companies hire entertainers for a variety of reasons, and understanding how the buying process works can help you get your foot in the door.  If you're a stage hypnotist who wants to get corporate hypnosis gigs, there are a few things you should know.
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get more stage hypnosis bookings

Hands down, my favorite market to work in as a stage hypnotist is the college market.  If you are a stage hypnotist who is new to the profession, and you want to get more stage hypnosis bookings in the college market, there are some essential things you need to know.
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Get gigs for stage hypnosis

If you're a trained stage hypnotist who's new to the profession, and you're looking to get gigs, I think one of the best markets to start in is high schools.  There are several advantages to working in the high school market, and I'll explain them in this article.
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new stage hypnotist

If you're a new stage hypnotist, there's still a lot to learn if you're going to make it in the profession.  I often tell my students, "Hypnotizing people is easy. It's all the other stuff that's challenging." It took me years to learn what I'm going to share with you in this article, and if you embrace this advice and take action on it sooner rather than later, I truly believe it will be worth at least ten thousand in revenue.  Over the course of a long career, it could be worth much, much more.
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what price should a stage hypnotist charge

I had a friend call me this morning who's a consulting hypnotist. She doesn't do stage shows. She said, "I just thought of you. I wanted to call and say hi. I just drove past a place that had a sign out front, and the sign said, 'Stage hypnosis tonight. Tickets $5.' What price should a stage hypnotist charge?  Because I'm pretty sure that's not it."
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